Trace& Circle

Enabling deeper dialogue

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Trace & Circle

Over the last 15 years Chatbots have become an established tool for improving customer relations, resolving user issues, deflecting call centre traffic and driving sales completions. The technology has improved in leaps and bounds with some of the most exciting developments in Conversational AI happening in the last couple of years via the release of Large Language Models.

Despite the array of new platforms and services, successfully developing, deploying and maintaining Chatbots remains a difficult task requiring expertise and detailed know-how. With a cumulative 30 years experience of delivering successful Chatbots to the world’s leading brands, Trace and Circle offer a number of Conversational AI services to streamline, automate and improve your deployments, regardless of platform.

Speak to your users, where they are. On your website, Facebook Messenger, Whatsapp, Slack, or embedded in your mobile app. Deliver rich media, dynamic carousels and personalised information all while the chatbot automatically handles context and returns users to high value conversations.

Chatbot development and delivery

Whatever your Chatbot requirements, from a simple FAQ bot through to a fully integrated, transactional, conversational system, Trace and Circle can discover, develop and deploy the best suited Chatbot on whatever platform meets your requirements. Our platform accredited developers can work on and integrate any number of platforms, DialogFlow, Teneo, GPT3, Salesforce and many more.

Data analysis and intent classification

Conversational big data analysis is no small task. We developed a series of tools and pipelines to create understandable and actionable reporting from any conversational data you may have. Whether in audio recordings direct from call centre agent interactions, customer IVR usage or conversations with Chatbots, we can analyse and classify your complex transcripts.

Consultancy and planning

Already have a team on site ready for the development of your Conversational AI deployment, but lack the expert insight into the best approach, platform and skill set requirements? Trace and Circle can plan out your strategy to efficiently deliver on your Chatbot goals, guiding you through requirement gathering, platform selection, iterative design, deployment and staff training to make sure your company is prepared to optimise and maintain your Chatbot.


My name is Theo and I have 15 years experience building chatbots, both for large companies and for education. My focus is on making the process simpler for editors and more effective for end users, and ultimately enabling more impact for less effort. I want to apply this experience to more varied use cases across entertainment, marketing, sales and pretty much anything a bit different.


I’m Pete and I’ve been working with chatbots for my entire career, seeing them come from a fledgling technology in the mid 00’s to the industry changing behemoth they are today. I’ve built systems that have transformed household name companies’ approaches to customer and internal support. I’m totally hyped to see what the more creative applications of this technology can really achieve when taken out of the enterprise environment.
